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My Story (A testimony) by Paige Murray
I share this, not for my glory, but to testify what the Lord has done for me and to bring glory to God that He be revealed to our world.
In November of 2002, my daughter, who was 6 at the time, was taking her nighttime bath and I was washing her hair. Feeling a bump on her head, I asked if she had hit her head on the cabinet or something. She said “no”. Well, after a couple of days had gone by and it didn’t change, I called the doctor.
We went in for a visit with her pediatrician. He didn’t know what it was. He said he didn’t like it. So, he called for a CT scan. The scan showed what the doctor called a “hot spot”. The doctor said he was concerned, so he called for a visit with the neurosurgeon. He, in turn, called us immediately and asked us to come see him first thing the next morning.
Now I’m getting concerned. We go to the neuro, he calls for a bone scan. We oblige. The results were a little disturbing. She has a mass (tumor) on her skull which the doctor says needs to be removed as soon as possible. So, he says “Enjoy the holidays, then we will plan surgery.”
January 2003.We were at the hospital prepping for surgery. We didn’t have a “home” church. No pastor to come pray with us. .. It was then Brother Bo (the pastor of Cathedral of Praise in Ruston) was asked to come pray with us by a relative & family friend, so he & Sheila (his wife) came & visited us. The next day we went in for surgery to remove the tumor on my now 7 year old daughter’s skull. The tumor was removed, and she made it through surgery fine. Thankfully, the doctor said he got all of the“fingers”. We stayed in the hospital 24 hours a day for eight days, sleeping in the I.C.U waiting room. As we were only being allowed to see our baby every few hours for only a few minutes, it was probably one of the toughest times I’ve ever been through. Jesus said, “…in me you may have [perfect] peace. In this world you will have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident…]! {fear not}, for I have overcomethe world [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] John 16:33 AMP) Fast forward.Healing and recovery was normal although we could not have visitors for a week. However, we got lots of calls from friends & family and the outpouring of love was amazing. We had prayers covering our little family from all over the world. I am still amazed at how prayer works and how many people will pray for you during tough times and how others want to comfort you with the comfort they have.(who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Cor. 1:4) As the year went by, I kept getting that prompting to get in church. So, we tried a few. Nothing seemed “just right”. So, my relative & friend that had asked Bro Bo to come pray for us, invited us to their church (again) & we went. My parents had been going there as well as some of my extended family. I wanted to be in church with my dad. He had not gone to church during my childhood years, so that was a big draw for me.
After visiting Vacation Bible School and Sunday service a few times…”the rest is history”… We continued to go to church here and became members, eventually getting baptized in the lake. My family did that together. Me, my daughter, mother, and father. Now it’s HOME. I have to give thanks to God for prompting me through His Holy Spirit to get me there and I am thankful to Brother Bo & Sheila for coming to the hospital and praying for our little family when we didn’t even know each other. I am still amazed at how God works. He brought us together. (I give thanks to the Lord [in all things], for He is good; His love endures forever. Ps.118:1 NIV) The story doesn’t end there. My daughter has returned for 10 years of checkups and scans with no new growths. She was released from the doctor’s care this past year. He asked to repair the bone where the tumor was. We opted out of more surgery. We let her decide and she chose not to go through that again. She has been prayed over by Bo & Sheila Nicholson and all of Cathedral of Praise since she was 7 years old. She is covered…. by the blood! Now that’s the story of my miracle. It is by our faith we walk through the rest of this life…knowing we are healed! Knowing we are covered and protected! Knowing…!
“God has planned for YOU to face your trials, temptations and circumstances…every attack of the enemy…from His SAME powerful position of victory: Knowing who you are; knowing your calling; knowing the will of God; knowing you have been given all power and authority; KNOWING you will return to the Father in great power and authority!
Regardless of whereyou are in your Christian experience, regardless of the circumstances you arefacing right now, God has a plan of victory for you. As you receive a new revelationwithin your spirit of who you are and what your calling is, you are going to walk in 100 percentvictory!” -Morris Cerullo (SpiritualWarfare Bible)
Anointed Handkerchief results in Miraculous Healing! Pastor Bo Nicholson
Acts 19:11-12 NIV
God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, sothat even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick,and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.
I am excited to be able to share with all of you how God healed a youngman who is a part of our congregation of the flu yesterday! He was sent home from work by the nurse thatday and told he had the flu. His parents requested prayer for him on Tuesday nightat our nightly prayer meeting. Feeling led of the Lord, we anointed ahandkerchief with oil and prayed the PRAYER of FAITH over it! The handkerchief becamehot in my hand as we interceded over it!
We sent the handkerchief home with the Mom and Dad with the instructionsthat they were to place it in his pillow and he was to sleep on it through the night. They did and he did and about 2 am he was awakenedby the heat of the handkerchief (God’sSupernatural MIRACULOUS HEALING POWER)! He called me at 7 am Wednesday with these words. “I am healed! I have no more fever or aches and I feel fine… I just have a stuffynose!” He told his mother and father about the heat ofthe handkerchief of which they had not spoken at all to him about! God revealed Himself to this young man &confirmed it to his Mom and Dad! By theway, he’s back at work today, HEALED of the flu!!! Go God Go! Every praise is to our God! Every word of worship is to our God! MIRACLES HAPPEN HERE!
Chest Pain Healed After Prayer!
A few weeks ago I was awakened early in the morning with severe pain in my chest. The pain radiated down my left arm and also up my neck and jaw, almost like a toothache. In addition to the pain, my body felt almost like one does after experiencing an electrical shock. The right side of my chest was swollen and puffy. I had experienced severe blood loss several years earlier and gone into shock. This felt very much the same. My first thought was, “Oh, no, I’m having a heart attack.” With no insurance I was hesitant to go to the hospital knowing that it would cost thousands of dollars, so I began to call out to the Lord.
The Lord immediately impressed on me to call on Pastor Bo to pray for me and anoint me with oil as we are instructed to do in James 4. Within minutes after Pastor Nicholson and the group at the church began praying I felt total relief from the pain and the swelling in my chest suddenly went completely away. It has been several weeks now since this event and I have no pain or complications.
But that’s not all!!!! Several years ago I suffered an injury to my back which had never completely healed. I still suffered with severe pain in the lower left side of my back every time I attempted to bend over or turn sideways. Anyway, I was very excited that God had healed me instantly and was sharing it with the group when I suddenly noticed that the pain in my back was gone, as well. God had healed that too, even though I never asked prayer for that issue. All I can say is that God is amazing…. and that Jesus is still healing the sick! Hallelujah!
Mark Fogger testifies-
Miracles Happen Here! Angie Smith testifies-
Just to update everyone on Bobba. All of his tests over the past week have indicated that he had a heart attack or blockage which resulted in damage to two areas of his heart, which worried all of us….including Bobba.
Well last night Katie Smith Nicholson & Jordan Nicholson brought church to Bobba. Bo Nicholson and his wife came and prayed for healing! I mean shook the walls of Glenwood. I have a feeling if other patients were listening they were healed too.
Before they left Bobba told Bo he felt his heart flutter. Today after the heart cath we were told there is NO DAMAGE OF BLOCKAGE to his heart!!!! Doc said he saw the reports too but his heart is healthy.
Thank You God, Thank You God for answering our prayers… We serve an awesome & healing God!!
2877 Highway 33 Ruston, Louisiana 71270 | (318) 251-8200 | cathedralofpraiseruston@gmail.com